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How can I use it (examples)?

You can use Coloci in many ways (tell us how you used it!). Some examples below.

Meet up with friends near where you live or work, or travel locally, such as to a mall or park. Get together for coffee or lunch and catch up with them as you go about your life.

Discover friends who are near your destinations as you travel to other states and countries. People move, and after a while we don’t know who lives where. Emailing your entire contact list is not really the best way to inform them that you are coming over. And even then, those emails get buried in the inbox and a month later, very few people remember.
With Coloci, you get alerts in advance, so you can plan a meetup, and get alerts as the date and place get near too. You can’t miss the friend then. Hey, you may even find friends at the same airport waiting lounge!

If you are busy and rarely get time to go out of your way to meet with friends, Coloci helps you squeeze in those catch-up sessions while you are at social meetings, parties, conferences, vacations and more. You may be in Orlando for a conference and unknown to you, so is your college buddy from the other coast. Catch up after years! By sharing and meeting selectively, you can reduce your social noise too.

If you are very active socially, Coloci will keep you in the loop with where your friends are going (future locations), events they are attending, activities they are planning for. And, you can make group plans. Say, you notice on the radar that a few of your friends are getting together at some nearby locations, next week. You can join (or crash!) the party too. Hey, thats another way to expand your social network. 🙂

Even if you don’t travel much yourself, Coloci is useful for you. One, it will let you know when friends come near your home or work or school, (only if you want to disclose that, naturally), and two, it will let them know that you will be nearby. Then you can plan to meetup!

You can also avoid people (that you don’t want to bump into) as follows: create an “invisible trip” to a location (simply un-check all the groups in the ‘Visible To Groups’ section when adding a new trip), and see who else is going to be there. If your ex is there, you know what to do. Disclaimer: this is obviously not a foolproof way to avoid people, and we make no guarantee about it. For all you know, your ex may have an invisible trip going on too! 😐


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